Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Albert Woodfox's Book Released Today: "Solitary: Unbroken by four decades in solitary confinement. My story of transformation and hope."

MORE COVERAGE:  Africa Today  II  The Australian  II  Vox  II  Australia Broadcast Corporation  II  NY Times Sunday Book Review  II  Democracy Now! (parts one and two)  II  WHYY Radio Times  II  Atlanta Journal-Constitution  II  New Orleans Times-Picayune  II  Storm Lake Times (Iowa)  II  New Orleans Advocate  II  By Any Means Necessary Radio Show  II  89.9 WWNO New Orleans Public Radio  II  Washington Post / Associated Press 

(To learn more about Solitary, including the latest information about Albert's book tour, please visit the publisher's website. The top of the publisher's website features links to several different booksellers from whom you can purchase Albert's book, including Indie Bound, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.)

Today, Albert Woodfox's autobiography hit the news-stands and went on sale around the world. The release of Solitary: Unbroken by four decades in solitary confinement. My story of transformation and hope, has been marked by significant news coverage.

National Public Radio featured both an interview with Albert and a separate book review entitled "In 'Solitary,' Determination And Humanity Win Over Injustice." The Guardian reprinted a lengthy excerpt from Solitary, where "The former Black Panther and member of the Angola 3 reflects on how he turned his cell from a place of confinement to a space for personal growth."

The New York Times' review described it as an "uncommonly powerful memoir," concluding that "if the ending of this book does not leave you with tears pooling down in your clavicles, you are a stronger person than I am. More lasting is Woodfox’s conviction that the American justice system is in dire need of reform."

Solitary's release was also cited today by the Religion News Service in an article about a virtual reality tour against solitary confinement that was presented by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, an organization that supported the campaign for Albert's release.

The Book Tour Begins

On Saturday, March 2, Albert began his book tour in Arizona at the Tucson Festival of Books. His next appearance will be on March 20 at the New Orleans Public Library. Information for March 20 and other dates is featured directly below (find the latest book tour updates Solitary's website):

Washington DC: March 25, 7:00 PMPolitics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave NW
In conversation with Katherine Kimpel

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: March 26, 7:30 PM

Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street
In conversation with Tracey Matisak

Brooklyn, New York: March 27, 7:30 PM
Central Library, Dweck Center, 10 Grand Army Plaza
In conversation with Jelani Cobb

Long Island City, New York: March 28, 10:30 AM
Fortune Society, 2976 Northern Blvd.
In conversation with Vinnie Schiraldi

New Haven, Connecticut: April 15
Yale University
(More details to be announced)

Princeton, New Jersey: April 17
Princeton University
(More details to be announced)

Los Angeles, California: May 2, 6:00 PM
Eso Won Books, 4327 Degnan Blvd
(More details to be announced)

Berkeley, California: May 4
Bay Area Book Festival
(More details to be announced)

--Visit the Grove Press website (scroll to the bottom of the page) for the latest information about Albert's book tour, here.

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